Corel® Painter™ X—the world's most powerful Natural-Media® painting and illustration software—features unique digital brushes, art materials and textures that mirror the look and feel of their traditional counterparts. Setting the standard for digital painting and illustration, the Corel Painter X digital art studio introduces new composition tools, unparalleled performance, and the all-new RealBristle™ painting system that models traditional brushes like never before—right down the individual bristles on the brush!
Mac OS X (version 10.3.9 or later, with latest revision applied)
Macintosh computer with 700-MHz or faster PowerPC G4, PowerPC G5, or Intel processor
256 MB of RAM (512 MB recommended)
Mouse or tablet
24-bit color display
1024 × 768 screen resolution
CD drive
280 MB of hard-disk space for installation