Discreet Paint 2.0
Paint 2.0 is an interactive, vector-based, and object-oriented painting and animation system that offers unique tools for enhancing multi-frame clips and single-frame images on your Macintosh.
Combining flexibility and functionality, Paint allows digital artists, animators, videographers, website designers, and multimedia specialists of any experience level to create powerful desktop solutions.
Download above includes crack.
Note: (Edit)
This is a PPC app. I've had problems getting this to work with SheepShaver (OS 9.02) & SheepShaver (OS 7.53)
- so I haven't tagged it as compatible.
- you may have better luck with your config - if so please add SheepShaver to the "Emulation" section above.
The above screenshots where taken whilst running the program from Classic (OS 9.2)!