The Multimedia Workshop is a multimedia tool for papers, projects and presentations. The program includes: The Writing Workshop, The Video Workshop and The Paint Workshop with bonus multimedia libraries. Create either desktop publishing documents or video presentations.
Visual toolbar provides instant access to key functions, making importing images easy.
Create book reports with clip art and photos.
Create video presentations with clip art, photos, videos and sound.
Performa 575 or better (minimum 68040 processor), 256-color system and minimum 14" monitor, System 7.1 or higher, Double-speed CD-ROM drive, 8 MB RAM, mouse. Microphone and printer recommended.
Visual Arts & Graphics
Word Processing & Publishing
System 7.0 - 7.6
Mac OS 8 - 8.1
Mac OS 8.5 - 8.6
Mac OS 9
SheepShaver (PPC)
Basilisk II (68k)